richiesta pagamento saldi negativi Alpari

Discussioni su aspetti fiscali, legali e normativi che si applicano nel forex...

Moderatore: riccardo1981

Messaggi: 26
Iscritto il: 22/11/2015, 18:08

Re: richiesta pagamento saldi negativi Alpari

Messaggio da Kellion »

forextruff ha scritto:
riccardo1981 ha scritto:Ciao forextruff,
di seguito l'ultima comunicazione ricevuta da Alpari
Dear Client or Creditor,
Alpari (UK) Limited (in special administration) (“the Company”)
As per the attached notice, a copy of the Joint Special Administrators‘ (JSAs‘) first progress report is available to view and download at In accordance with Rule 297 of the Investment Bank Special Administration (England and Wales) Rules 2011, this is being made available electronically due to the large number of clients and creditors.
If you are a creditor of the Company we would also like to draw your attention to the attached notice of a proposed interim dividend and the associated covering letter. The JSAs have set a deadline of 30 October 2015 for proving your unsecured claim in the Special Administration in order to receive an interim dividend. Instructions detailing which category of creditors this applies to and how to submit a claim are included in the covering letter. Clients with a claim into the Client Money Pool should continue to agree their claims through the Claims Portal and do not need to take any action with regards to this letter.
Paper copies of all documents can be requested via email, telephone or post as detailed in the attachments.

Yours faithfully
for Alpari (UK) Limited

Samantha Bewick
Joint Special Administrator
Grazie Riccardo

...purtroppo sembra che nessuno iscritto al forum mi possa aiutare a trovare persone nella mia situazione, o conosca qualcuno che lo sia

Ma non vedo quale sia il problema.

Anche se ti volessero fare un azione legale gli costerebbe un botto poi con la giustizia italiana..

Che ti frega? Tanto i soldi non gli rivedranno mai.... Ignorali

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